We strive to offer you a great shipping experience. We can ship products anywhere within the United States. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination.
Lead-times differ based on our current production schedule. Items go through a multi-step production process from design, customer approval, fabrication, finishing, and shipping.
Currently, stock items can take up to 2-4 weeks after the order is placed. Customized items typically take up to 4-6 weeks after the order is placed. If your order contains both stock and custom items, the entire order will considered a custom order, and will ship within that timeline as defined above.
Merchandise is not returnable without the written consent of Melting Point Metalworks. Returns and exchange requests on standard stock (non-customized) items will be accepted up to 10 days after the receipt of the item, fees may apply in some cases at the discretion of the company.
Custom and Personalized items are not cancelable or refundable because time and resources are allocated from the time an order is placed.
Clearance items cannot be returned.
Should you experience any issue with your shipment, please reach out to us with a picture of the item and box you received at within 10 days of receiving the order. Once 10 days have passed since receipt, we will no longer issue replacements.